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Universal Generator / Counter
The HSD-NCO V200 is a PCI card developed for pulse generation and frequency measurement:
Numerically Controlled Sinus Oscillator 0.005 Hz - 100 kHz.
Additional TTL Generator 0.1 Hz - 1 MHz.
Universal Counter with two inputs
The NCO card uses Analog Devices AD7008 chip to give you digitally created sine waves.
The universal counter can function as a Frequency Counter, Period Counter, Frequency Ratio (fa/fb) Counter, Time Interval Counter and a Totalizing Counter. For period and time interval, the 40 MHz timebase gives 25 ns resolution. In the frequency mode, the user can select accumulation time of 100 ms, 1 s, 10 s and 100 s. With a 100 s accumulation time, the frequency can be displayed to a resolution of 0.01 Hz.
Numerically Controlled Sinus Generator 1
Frequency range: 0.005 Hz - 100 kHz
Sine wave output amplitude Vpp: 0.8 V to 4.0 V
Sine wave output offset: +/-1.0 V
Maximum output current: 50 mA
TTL Generator 2
Frequency range: 0.1 Hz - 1 MHz
The TTL Output BNC Connector can be supply by Generator 1 or Generator 2 (software select).
Universal Counter
The Univerasal Counter has two inputs: Input A and Input B. Generator outputs can be also internally conected to the counter. There is a possibitity to choose an active input slope. The gate time for High Frequency Mode can be select from 0,1 s to 100 s. Universal counter working modes:
High Frequencies In this mode input pulses are accumulated by the time of 100 ms, 1 s, 10 s or 100 s. Input can be selected as Input A, Input B, Generator 1 or Generator2.
Low Frequencies In this mode the 40 MHz clock is accumulated by the input pulse period. Input can be selected as Input A, Input B, Generator 1 or Generator2.
Frequency Ratio A/B or B/A In this mode the frequency ratio between inputs Input A and Input B (or Input B and Input A) is measured. Displayed value has no unit.
Time Interval In this mode the time interval between the pulse in Input A and the pulse in Input B is measured. Displayed unit is seconds.
Manual In this mode the time interval between pressing the START and the STOP button is measured. Displayed unit is seconds.
Counter In this mode pulses from Input A are accumulated by the given time.
Calibration In this mode pulses of 40 MHz are accumulated in the time of 100ms, 1s 10s or 100s.
The value can be displayed as:
Frequency (Hz or kHz)
Period (s)
Rotation per minute (kR/min or R/min)
Select from list:
Phase Shifter / Time Delayer CPFT V4.1
HSC-40BW Camera
HSC-145S Camera
HSC-55BW Camera
Sequencer V5.0 EURO
Sequencer V5.11
Sequencer V801-BM
HSD-Sequencer V700-EM
HSD-Sequencer V710-EM
HSD-Sequencer V720-EM
HSD-Sequencer V750-EM
IL-105/6X Illuminator
The HSD-NCO V200 can be used in applications where precise and highly stable sine wave and TTL pulse generation is required.
Inputs and outputs
Four BNC connectors are used for main signals:
Sinus Generator Output is the analog output of the sinus wave
TTL Output is the TTL output of Generator 1 or Generator 2 (software select)
Input A is the first input of Universal Counter
Input A is the first input of Universal Counter
Input B is the second input of Universal Counter
Control software for Windows 98/2000/XP.
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