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HSD-MUX-V10-PD Multiplexer Module
HSD-MUX-V10-PD Multiplexer Module
The multiplexer HSD-MUX-V10-PD is an EURO module developed for switching sequencers outputs. Two standard Sequencer V5.1 euro modules and the HSD-MUX-V10-PD multiplexer module are used to control PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) measurement systems.

HSD-MUX-V10-PD multiplexer module is composed of six functional blocks:
Sixteen-bit multiplexer block, which switches sequencers outputs. The multiplexer has sixteen TTL input parts allotted for A-Sequencer, sixteen TTL input parts allotted for B-Sequencer, and sixteen TTL output parts.
Additional four-bit multiplexer block, to be freely applied by the user. The multiplexer has four TTL A inputs, four TTL B inputs and four TTL outputs.
Trigger block, two inputs Select A and Select B, and multiplexers control circuit.
Output pulse display of 32 LEDs.
Output drivers block. Herewith the voltage of each of the sixteen-bit multiplexer signals can be set to TTL standard, or higher according to the requirements of the external equipment connected to the sequencer outputs.
Keyboard and LCD display.
Select A trigger input (TTL)
elect B trigger input (TTL)
Select A trigger edge
Select B trigger edge
16 TTL multiplexer inputs - Sequencer A
16 TTL multiplexer inputs - Sequencer B
16 TTL multiplexer output - Sequencer A/B
4 TTL multiplexer inputs - user A
4 TTL multiplexer inputs - user B
TTL multiplexer outputs - user A/B
16 - Sequencer A/B -multiplexer outputs with user settable voltage in the range of 5V up to 15V with the resolution of 0.1V (300 mA)
Data Record output (TTL)
16 LEDs indicating impulse(s) generated by Sequencer A
16 LEDs indicating impulse(s) generated by Sequencer B
LCD display and four-key keyboard for programming
Build-in non-volatile memory for the configuration



Select from list:
Phase Shifter / Time Delayer CPFT V4.1
HSC-40BW Camera
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Sequencer V5.0 EURO
Sequencer V5.11
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IL-105/6X Illuminator
Principle of operation
Sixteen-bit multiplexer and four-bit multiplexer are switched by one pulse generated by triggers block.
Rising or falling Select A pulse edge sets the multiplexer so that pulses from Sequencer A appear at its outputs. Simultaneously, it switches the user multiplexer block.
Rising or falling Select B pulse edge sets the multiplexer so that pulses from Sequencer B appear at its outputs. Simultaneously, it switches the user multiplexer block.
The high level of the Data Record pulse corresponds to the B active status. The active edge at Select A trigger input sets Data Record output to low level and switches the multiplexer so that pulses from sequencer A. occur at its outputs.
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